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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Texas Estate Unclaimed Property, Texas Unclaimed Property Heirs, Texas Unclaimed Property Beneficiaries, Texas Estate Royalty Interests, and Texas Probate Mineral Interests

Texas Estate Unclaimed Property, Texas Unclaimed Property Heirs, Texas Unclaimed Property Beneficiaries, Texas Estate Royalty Interests, and Texas Probate Mineral Interests
by Texas Probate Royalty Interest Lawyer, Texas Estate Mineral Interest Lawyer, Texas Estate Unclaimed Property Lawyer, and Texas Probate Unclaimed Property Lawyer Jason Coomer

In Texas, the state is currently safekeeping over $2 billion in assets entrusted to it from a variety of sources, including unclaimed utility deposits, dormant bank accounts, unclaimed wages, safety deposit boxes, insurance policies and uncashed checks.  In fiscal year 2010, the state returned more than $160 million in such assets.  Many of these assets will need to go through probate before they can be distributed to the heirs of estate or beneficiaries of an estate.

In claiming lost wealth, it is usually best to check with the state where the decedent was living to determine if that person's assets have been collected by the state.  The following link can be used to check Texas Unclaimed Property.  However, this is not the only place that should be investigated as many financial institutions, oil companies, banks, trusts, large corporations, and insurance companies, keep assets for an extended period of time or send the property to other states.  For more information on collection of unclaimed property, please follow this link to Claiming Texas Estate and Probate Unclaimed Property, Mineral Interests, and Royalty Information.  

Texas Estate Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Texas Unclaimed Property Heir Lawyer, Texas Unclaimed Property Beneficiary Lawyer, and Texas Unclaimed Property Probate Lawyer Handles Probate and Estate Matters for Texas and Out of State Beneficiaries and Heirs  

It is becoming more common for family members not living close to a recently deceased relative to not know what is in the decedent's estate and not know how to clear title to mineral interests, houses, and other real property or claim personal property including bank accounts, royalty income, retirement funds, life insurance, and unclaimed property in the decedent's estate.  In instances where there are significant assets in the estate, it can often be a good idea to locate a local Texas probate attorney that can assist in collecting the estate assets and moving the estate including real estate, mineral interests, bank accounts, and houses through the probate process. 

Texas Oil Royalty Inheritance Lawyer, Texas Estate Mineral Interest Lawyer, Texas Estate Oil and Gas Royalty Lawyer, and Texas Estate Oil and Gas Lawyer
Texas is a rich state for oil and gas production.  Since the Lucas No. 1 started spurting gas and oil on January 10, 1901, many gushers and rich oil wells have made oil and gas a main part of the Texas economy.  Throughout the 20th Century, the Texas economy moved from its rural, agricultural roots into the petroleum and industrial age.  Many Texas families became extremely wealthy through their oil royalties and mineral interests making millions and hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Currently, about 2/3 of the 254 counties in Texas produce oil and there are vast amounts of wealth being made on the hundreds of millions of barrels of oil and vast amounts of gas that are produced in Texas each year.  Keeping track of who inherits this wealth and who are the rightful beneficiaries of royalties, leasing contracts, and mineral rights can often be complicated as mineral rights and royalty interests don't always transfer with surface rights.  Families and family trust funds can sometimes lose vast amounts of wealth when Texas estate mineral interests, Texas estate royalty income, and Texas estate real property is not properly probated.  If your family has lost significant Texas mineral interests, royalty income, or real estate, it can be extremely beneficial to hire a Texas estate mineral interest lawyer, Texas estate royalty income lawyer, or Texas estate real property lawyer to help probate a loved one's estate and claim estate property for the rightful heirs and/or beneficiaries.

Texas Estate Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Texas Unclaimed Property Heir Lawyer, Texas Unclaimed Property Beneficiary Lawyer, and Texas Unclaimed Property Probate Lawyer Helps
 Locate Unclaimed Texas Wealth, Estate Assets, and Non-Probate Assets (Real Estate, Oil Interests, Bank Accounts, & Stock)
In our modern society when families can be spread through the World and significant wealth can be lost, stolen, or forgotten.  It is a good idea to keep a safety deposit box with an inventory of all your assets and have people that you trust that can get access to your safety deposit box should something happen to you.  

For more information on collection of unclaimed property including Texas mineral interests, Texas royalty income, Texas unclaimed property, Texas bank accounts, Texas life insurance policies, and other Texas estate property, please feel free to follow this link to Claiming Texas Estate and Probate Unclaimed Property, Mineral Interests, and Royalty Information.  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Confidential Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit and Financial Analyst Bounty Action Lawsuit Information

Confidential Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, Financial Analyst Confidential Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, SEC Financial Analyst Incentives and Bounty Actions, Dodd-Frank Act Financial Fraud Whistleblower Bounty Actions, & other Financial Analyst Whistleblower Protection and Lawsuit Information
by Texas Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawyer Jason Coomer

Financial analysts are a select group of professionals that often have original information from their own independent analysis of securities violations.  As such, the new SEC Whistleblower Reward Program has been expanded to encourage financial analysts and money managers to become whistleblowers.  The new law and SEC rules include expanded economic incentives and protections that should encourage financial analysts and money managers to blow the whistle on significant fraud schemes.

Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, Financial Analyst Confidential Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, SEC Financial Analyst Incentives and Bounty Actions, & Dodd-Frank Act Financial Fraud Whistleblower Bounty Actions and Lawsuit Information
Expanded Definition of Original Information to Include Independent Analysis

The definition of "original information" in the SEC Whistleblower Reward Program, has been expanded from prior whistleblower reward laws to include "independent analysis".   This new expanded definition includes a whistleblower’s independent analysis or own examination and evaluation of publicly available information, if and only if that whistleblower's examination, evaluation, and analysis is determined by the SEC to provide vital assistance to the SEC staff in understanding and identifying complex fraud schemes and violations of securities law.

This expanded definition of "original information" does provide an opportunity for financial analysts, money managers, and high end advanced whistleblower to use their expertise and own independent analysis to blow the whistle on large fraud schemes and potentially make large recoveries, however, it is important to realize that these forms of whistleblower awards are new and it is not fully understood how the SEC will apply financial awards based on independent analysis.  As such, for the protection of high end financial analyst whistleblowers, money manager whistleblowers, and investors, it may be best to report the fraud through a SEC Whistleblower Reward Program Lawyer that can protect the identity of the whistleblower until it can be determined what type of an award may be offered.

Increased Economic Incentives for Financial Analyst Whistleblowers, Expanded Definition of Monetary Sanctions for Calculation of Rewards for Financial Analyst Whistleblowers, and Expanded SEC Financial Analyst Whistleblower Rewards

Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, qualified Whistleblowers shall be entitled to a recovery ranging from 10 to 30% of monetary sanctions.  These monetary sanctions are much more far reaching than prior Insider Trading Awards and include not only SEC penalties, but also disgorgements. These disgorgements can be the largest part of the potential recovery and greatly increase the economic incentive for the potential whistleblower.

A financial disgorgement is a repayment of ill-gotten gains that is imposed on wrong-doers by the courts. Thus, funds that were received through illegal or unethical business transactions are disgorged, or paid back, with interest to those affected by the action. Disgorgement is a remedial civil action, rather than a punitive civil action. As applied to the SEC violations, individuals or companies that violate SEC regulations are typically required to pay both civil money penalties and disgorgement. Civil money penalties are punitive, while disgorgement is about paying back profits made from those actions that violated the SEC's regulations.  In some instances, disgorgement payments are not only demanded of those who violate securities regulations. Anyone profiting from illegal or unethical activities may be civilly required to disgorge their profits.

Confidential Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, Financial Analyst Confidential Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, SEC Financial Analyst Incentives and Bounty Actions, Dodd-Frank Act Financial Fraud Whistleblower Bounty Actions, & other Financial Analyst Whistleblower Protection and Lawsuit Information
by Texas Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawyer Jason Coomer

It is extremely important that Financial Analyst Whistleblowers, Money Manager Whistleblowers, and High-end Investment Whistleblowers continue to expose investment fraud, insider trading, Ponzi schemes, retirement fund fraud, securities fraud, and other unlawful and illegal practices that threaten the integrity of Wall Street and the securities markets.   For more information on these Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuits, Money Manager Whistleblower Recovery Lawsuits, and High-end Investment Whistleblower Bounty Lawsuits, please go to the following web page:  Confidential Financial Analyst Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, Money Manager Whistleblower Recovery Lawsuit, and High-end Investment Whistleblower Bounty Lawsuit Information.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

International Business Bribery Whistleblower Lawsuit and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit Information

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit, International Business Bribery Whistleblower Recovery Lawsuit, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit,  Foreign Business Bribery Whistleblower Bounty Lawsuit, & Illegal Kickback Bounty Action Lawsuit Information by International Business Bribery Whistleblower Recovery Lawyer and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawyer Jason Coomer  

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits bribery of foreign officials by U.S. companies and foreign companies listed on the U.S. securities exchange.  The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) also requires such companies to maintain accurate books and records.  Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblowers that properly report violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act by a U.S. or foreign companies listed on the U.S. securities exchanges can recover a large reward for exposing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations.  

International Business Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Recovery Lawyer, International Business Bribery Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawyer,  SEC Foreign Bribery Whistleblower Incentive Program Lawyer, & Illegal Bribe Bounty Action Lawyer

Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the new SEC Whistleblower Incentive Program, whistleblowers with original and specialized knowledge and evidence of corporate bribery and illegal kickbacks are eligible to recover large economic awards.  By gathering this evidence and going through a lawyer, these whistleblowers can protect their identity through the process and potential collect large rewards of 10% to 30% of the monetary sanctions including disgorged funds.  

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Lawyer, International Business Bribery Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawyer,  SEC Bribery Whistleblower Incentive Program Lawyer, & Illegal Bribe Bounty Action Lawyer by International Business Bribery Whistleblower Lawyer and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Reward Lawyer Jason Coomer

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) prohibits the offer or making of payments or giving anything of value, either directly or indirectly, to any foreign official, political party or political candidate, or public international organization to obtain or maintain business when the offer, payment or gift is intended to influence a desired action; induce an act in violation of a lawful duty; cause a person to refrain from acting in violation of a lawful duty; secure any improper advantage; or influence the decision of a government or instrumentality.  These prohibitions preclude payments were unlawful under the laws of the country in which payment was made; payments that are not legitimate expenses directly related to the promotion, demonstration or explanation of the company’s product or services; and payments that are not made in accordance with a contract between the company and a foreign entity.  These prohibitions also include third party actions where the company knows that a payment or a gift will be provided to a government official or agency for the purpose of obtaining a contract or business. 

For more information on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Whistleblower Bounty Lawsuits, International Business Whistleblower Lawsuits, and International Business Bribery Whistleblower Recovery Lawsuits, please feel free to go to the following web page: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblower Award Lawsuit and International Business Bribery SEC Whistleblower Bounty Action Lawsuit Information.