Federal Contractor Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Under The Federal False Claims Act: The Federal False Claims Act and Department of Justices Are Offering Large Financial Rewards To Federal Contractor Fraud Whistleblowers That Are The First To Properly Expose Federal Contractor Fraud and Federal Grant Fraud by Texas Federal Contractor Fraud Lawyer and Federal Contractor Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer
The Department of Justice through the Federal False Claims Act is offering federal contractor fraud whistleblowers large rewards for being the first to properly report large federal contractor fraud, federal grant fraud, and other fraud committed against the federal government. These rewards have resulted in Billions of dollars in recoveries for the United States and hundreds of millions of dollars in recoveries for whistleblowers. New expansions of the Federal False Claims Act are expected to expose additional fraud and create even larger recoveries in the future.
Federal Government Spending,
Federal Government Contracting, and Federal
Government Contractor Information
Federal Government spending has
increased dramatically over the last 10 years
including large increases in health care spending
and defense contractor spending as well as large
bailouts of the financial sector. With this
increased Federal Government spending has come a
large increase in the number of government
contractors and fraudulent government contractors
that submit fraudulent documents and false
certifications of products and services.
To help keep track of increased
government spending and government contractors, the
Office of Management and Budget has created OMB
Watch which "exists to increase government
transparency and accountability; to ensure sound,
equitable regulatory and budgetary processes and
policies; and to protect and promote active citizen
participation in our democracy." OMB Watch
envisions "a more just and democratic society, one
in which an open, responsive government protects
people's health, safety, and well-being, safeguards
the environment, honors the public's right to
information, values an engaged and effective
citizenry, and adequately invests in the common
good." For more information on OMB Watch and
Federal government spending, please go to the
following web site:
Government Contracting,
Acquisitions, and Regulations
Federal Government Contracting
can be extremely complicated, but lucrative. Civil
False Claims Act creates financial incentives for
private citizens that have knowledge of government
contractor fraud to blow the whistle on these
fraudulent contractors. Whistleblowers under the act
not only receive protection from the government for
their A key provision of the act was known as qui
WIFCON.com serves "the federal
acquisition community by providing quick access to
acquisition information such as contracting laws and
pending legislation, current and proposed
regulations, guidance, courts and boards of contract
appeals, bid protest decisions, contracting
newsletters, and selected analysis of federal
acquisition issues." For more information on
Federal Government Contracting, please go to the
following web site,
WIFCON.com.- Where in Federal Contracting?
Federal Business Opportunities is
also an excellent web site for information on
Federal Government Contractors and Contracting. For
more information on Federal Government Contracting,
please go to the following web site,
Federal Business
Blowing the Whistle on Those
that Commit Fraud Against the United States Government,
First to File Provisions of the Federal False Claims
Act, and Preserving Relator Rights to Share in Recovery
of Funds
If you are aware of a defense
contractor, highway contractor, large health care
company, FEMA contractor, HUD contractor, or other large contractor or subcontractor that
is defrauding the United States Government out of
millions or billions of dollars, it is important to blow
the whistle on the government contractor fraud. By
reporting the fraud you can save the government and
taxpayers large amounts of money.
Further, if you are the first to file
and blow the whistle correctly pursuant to the Federal
False Claims Act, you may be able to share in the
recovery. As such, to become a relator it is important
to collect evidence of the fraud and work with experienced attorneys to make sure that
every effort is made to protect your rights as a relator,
qui tam plaintiff, and government contractor fraud
whistleblower, so that you can share in the recover that
is made from your heroic efforts.
For more information on Federal Contractor Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, please feel free to contact Texas Federal Contractor Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer.