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Sunday, April 13, 2014

International Bribery Lawyer: Expose Illegal Bribes, Collect Large Rewards, and Protect Your Identity by International Bribery Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

International Bribery Lawyer: New Laws Allow Whistleblowers to Expose International Illegal Bribes to Public Officials, Collect Large Financial Rewards, and Protect Their Identity by International Bribery Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

New International Whistleblower Laws allow whistleblowers to confidentially report violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and obtain large financial rewards.  Whistleblowers that properly report violations of the FCPA by a U.S. or foreign company listed on the U.S. securities exchanges can recover a large reward for exposing FCPA violations.  These whistleblowers can expose a bribery scheme or other violations of the FCPA through a lawyer and protect their identify. 

If you are aware of a significant Foreign Corrupt Practice Act  violation by a large international company including an oil and energy company, financial services company, or drug company and are interested in a confidential review of a whistleblower bounty action, please feel free to contact International Bribery Lawyer Jason S. Coomer.

Expose International Oil Company Bribes and False Disclosures: Oil Companies Are Required to File SEC Disclosures On Payments Made to Foreign Government Officials for Oil, Gas, and Mineral Contracts: False Reports of Payments to Foreign Governments by Multinational Oil Companies Can Result In SEC and FCPA Violations That Are the Basis for Whistleblower Reward Bounty Actions

Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, all domestic and foreign companies registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) must publicly report how much they pay governments for access to their oil, gas and minerals, beginning in FY2012. These payments must be reported on a country-by-country and a project-by-project basis, and will likely cover a wide range of the material benefits that accrue to governments from extractive deals.  This Dodd-Frank reporting requirement, known as the Cardin-Lugar Transparency Amendment is expected to help remove corruption from the oil and gas mineral extraction industry.

If you have evidence of energy company SEC accounting fraud or energy company illegal bribes to government officials please feel free to contact International Bribery Lawyer Jason S. Coomer or go to the follow web pages: International Oil Company Bribes and International Oil Company False Disclosures.

Expose International Bank Bribes: International Banks and Financial Services Companies That Commit FCPA Violations Including Fraud, False Accounting, and Government Bribes Can Be the Basis for International Bounty Actions 

New International Whistleblower Reward Laws have been enacted to encourage professionals with knowledge of financial services fraud, financial services government bribes, investment fraud and false accounting, and other Foreign Corrupt Practice Act Violations, to expose the fraud and corruption.  These new international whistleblower reward laws offer large financial rewards and whistleblower protections for persons that qualify and expose significant fraud and corruption.

If you are the original source with special knowledge of fraud and are interested in learning more about a potential bank employee whistleblower lawsuit please go to the following web page: International Bank Bribes and Financial Services Fraud.

Expose International Drug Company Bribes: Drug Company Bribes in China, Brazil, Russia, India, Venezuela, Poland and Ukraine for Procurement Contracts Are Becoming More Common And Can Be The Basis For Large Bounty Action Rewards

Every year over $4.1 trillion (US dollars) is spent worldwide on health services including approximately $750 billion (US dollars) that is spent in the pharmaceutical market on drugs and medications. It is estimated that approximately 10 to 25% of public health care procurement spending including drug contracts, medicines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and medical devices is lost to corrupt and fraudulent acts.  These acts include government official bribes, illegal kickbacks, and other illicit payment and fraud schemes. For more information on this topic, please go to the following web page: International Drug Company Bribes and False Marketing Studies.

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