Texas Estate Unclaimed Property Lawyer Represents Families, Heirs, and Beneficiaries Claim Life Insurance, Estate Property, Inheritance, Bank Accounts, Retirement Funds, and Other Unclaimed Property by Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Jason Coomer
The State of Texas is currently safekeeping over $2 billion in unclaimed property. These assets include a vast amount of family inheritance that has been lost or unclaimed because of a person's death or incapacity. This property often will require a probate administration and the assistance of a Texas probate lawyer to free help free the unclaimed property.
For more information on collection of unclaimed property, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer, Jason Coomer.
Families Living Outside of Texas Can Often Hire a Texas Texas Estate Unclaimed Property
Lawyer to Handle Most of the Probate Process to Claim Inheritance and Texas Unclaimed Property
is becoming more common for family members not living close in proximity to a
recently deceased relative to not know what is in the decedent's
estate and not know how to clear title to their family members assets. This distance and lack of knowledge will often result in inheritance including mineral interests, life insurance, bank accounts, retirement funds, houses, and royalties being lost to unclaimed property. In instances where there are
significant assets in a person's estate, it can often be a good idea to
locate a local Texas probate attorney that can assist in collecting the
estate assets and moving the estate including real estate, mineral
interests, bank accounts, and houses through the probate process.
Communication Can Often Help Prevent the Loss Of Inheritance
our modern society when families can be spread out throughout the World and
significant wealth can be lost, stolen, or forgotten. It is often a good idea
to keep a safety deposit box with an inventory of all your assets
and have a person or people that you trust that can get access to your
safety deposit box should something happen to you. Though many people prefer to avoid envisioning a time when their may die or become incapacitated, it is often important to make plans prior to a crisis arises for you or your family.
Texas Estate Unclaimed Property
Lawyer Represents Families, Heirs, and Beneficiaries Claim Life
Insurance, Estate Property, Inheritance, Bank Accounts, Retirement
Funds, and Other Unclaimed Property by Texas Unclaimed Property Lawyer Jason Coomer
more information on collection of unclaimed property including
Texas mineral interests, Texas royalty income, Texas unclaimed property,
Texas bank accounts, Texas life insurance policies, and other Texas
estate property, please feel free to follow this link to Claiming Texas Estate and Probate Unclaimed Property, Mineral Interests, and Royalty Information.