Causes of Pancreatic Cancer: Diabetics and Health Care Providers Prescribing Diabetes Drugs Should Be Aware That Some Diabetes Medications Can Cause An Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer by Diabetic Pancreatic Cancer Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Though scientists still do not know the exact
cause of all cases of pancreatic cancer, they have found several
risk factors that can make a person more likely to get this
disease. Recent research has
that several diabetes drugs may cause an increased risk of
pancreatic cancer. These diabetes drugs include
Onglyza, Tradjenta,
Bydureon, Oseni, and other diabetes drugs. If you have been taking a
diabetes drug and have been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer or
you have lost a loved one that was taking a diabetes drug and
was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, please report the adverse
action to the prescribing medical doctor and FDA as soon as
For persons that have been diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer or families that have a loved one that has been diagnosed with
pancreatic cancer and was taking diabetic drugs,
please feel free to send an e-mail message to Pancreatic
Cancer Lawyer Jason Coomer.
Causes of Pancreatic Cancer: Understanding DNA May Be The Key to
Determining Causes of Cancer
Researchers have made great progress in
understanding how certain changes in DNA can cause normal cells to
become cancerous. DNA is the chemical in each cell that carries our
genes — the instructions for how our cells function. We look like our
parents because they are the source of our DNA. But DNA affects more
than the way we look. Some genes contain instructions for controlling
when our cells grow and divide. Certain genes that promote cell division
are called oncogenes. Others that slow down cell division or cause cells
to die at the right time are called tumor suppressor genes. Cancers can
be caused by DNA mutations (defects) that turn on oncogenes or turn off
tumor suppressor genes.
Several cancer family syndromes have been
found in which inherited DNA mutations cause a very high risk of
developing certain cancers. In some of these, there is an increased risk
of getting pancreatic cancer. Researchers have characterized many of
these DNA changes in the past few years. Most often, DNA mutations of
oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes related to cancers of the pancreas
occur after you are born, rather than having been inherited. These
acquired mutations may result from cancer-causing drugs or chemicals in
our environment.
Pancreatic Cancer Detection: Understanding and Identifying Symptoms
of Pancreatic Cancer Can Be Important In Early Detection and Treatment of
Pancreatic Cancer Resulting in Higher Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates
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For more information on causes of pancreatic cancer and diabetic drugs, please go to the following web page: Pancreatic Cancer Risk Health Alert.