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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Infant Birth Defect Lawyer, Topamax Birth Defect Lawyer, Depakote Birth Defect Lawyer, and Paxil Birth Defect Lawyer

Topamax Birth Defect Lawyer, Depakote Birth Defect Lawyer, Infant Malformation Lawyer, Cleft Palate Lawyer, Infant Heart Defect Lawyer, Texas Birth Defect Lawyer, Texas Cleft Lip Birth Defect Lawyer, Paxil Heart Defect Lawyer, Topamax Pregnancy Lawyer, Infant Disability Lawyer, and Paxil Birth Defect Lawyer

Avoidable birth defects are one of the most devastating problems that can occur to a family and a new baby.  Parents who should be celebrating the birth of a new child, are often caught off guard when their child is born with severe disabilities and often do not realize that someone may be responsible for the birth defect including drug manufacturers that hid information about medications that can cause birth defects.  The family is typically busy taking care of the child with the serious health problems and often does not know that the birth defect was preventable.  When they discover the probable cause of the preventable birth defect they are often filled with anger and rage.  To find out that their child will have permanent health problems or that they lost their baby because a drug company hid research and did not provide an adequate warning of a product's safety can be extremely difficult.

Several medications, products, and drugs have been linked to birth defects.  Some of these medications were intentionally marketed by drug manufacturers that have hidden the real dangers of their product in order to sell more of their product and that value profits over healthy babies.  For these manufacturers, they may have short term profits, but over the long term they should suffer for the long term birth defects that they have caused.

Topamax Birth Defect Lawyer, Topiramate Birth Defect Lawyer, Topamax Heart Defect Lawyer, Topamax Cleft Palate Lawyer, Topamax Cleft Lip Lawyer, and Antiepileptic Drug (APD) Birth Defect Lawyer 
(Topamax and Topiramate Birth Defect Lawsuits)
The FDA has recently announced that Topiramate (brand name Topamax) causes an increased risk of development of cleft lip and/or cleft palate (oral clefts) in infants born to women treated with Topamax (topiramate) during pregnancy. If you or a loved one have been taking Topamax during pregnancy and had a child with a birth defect, it is important to seek medical assistance.

Topiramate (brand name Topamax) is a anticonvulsant drug. It has been approved for the treatment of epilepsy and migraines, but has been aggressively marketed for many off-label uses including bipolar disorder, cluster headaches, eating disorders, obesity, fibromyalgia, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcoholism, sleep disorders, sleep-eating disorders, infantile spasms, autism, periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants after an hypoxic-ischemic injury, essential tremor, bulimia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, smoking cessation, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, neuropathic pain, and cocaine dependence.  If you or a loved one have been taking Topamax during pregnancy and had a child with a birth defect, it is important to seek medical assistance.

The FDA recommends that "before starting topiramate, pregnant women and women of childbearing potential should discuss other treatment options with their health care professional. Women taking topiramate should tell their health care professional immediately if they are planning to or become pregnant. Patients taking topiramate should not stop taking it unless told to do so by their health care professional. Women who become pregnant while taking topiramate should talk to their health care professional about registering with the North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry, a group that collects information about outcomes in infants born to women treated with antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy." 

For more information on Topamax birth defect lawsuit information, Topamax cleft palate lawsuit information, Topamax cleft lip lawsuit information, Topamax malformation lawsuit information, and Topamax infant heart  problem information, please feel free to visit the following webpage: Topamax Birth Defect Lawsuit.

Topamax Birth Defect Malformation Lawsuits and Cleft Lips or Palate Lawsuits (Topiramate Birth Defect Lawsuits)

The epilepsy and migraine drug Topamax has been associated with an increased risk of birth defects for children of mothers that were taking the drug during pregnancy. Research studies have found that there are higher than expected rates of babies born with cleft lips, cleft palates, genital defects and other birth malformations when Topamax is used by women during pregnancy.  Thus there is a growing amount of research that indicates that the use of the epilepsy and migraine drug, Topamax, either on its own or in combination with other epilepsy drugs, may increase the risk of birth defects when it is used during pregnancy.
In February 2011, U.S. Health Officials announced that Topamax increases the risk for birth defects in babies born to pregnant mothers taking the medication.  The Food and Drug Administration said new data shows the drug, sold generically and as Johnson & Johnson's Topamax, can cause cleft lips and cleft palate deformities. 

Paroxetine Birth Defect Lawyer, Seroxat Birth Defect Lawyer, Paxil Birth Defect Lawyer, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressant (SSRIs) PPHN Birth Defect Lawyer, and Infant Heart Defect Lawyer

Paroxetine (trade names Seroxat, Paxil) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant that has been linked to birth defects including Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN), heart, lung, abdominal and cranial defects.  Women that have taken Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressants (SSRIs) after the 20th week of pregnancy have a 6-fold increased risk of having their child develop persistent pulmonary hypertension, a life-threatening lung disorderInfants with persistent pulmonary hypertension have abnormal blood flow through the heart and lungs and do not get enough oxygen to their bodies and may become very sick or die.  

The SSRIs antidepressants that have been linked to persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) include Paxil by GlaxoSmithKline, Zoloft marketed by Pfizer; Prozac sold by Eli Lilly; Celexa and Lexapro by Forest Laboratories, Effexor marketed by Wyeth, Luvox by Solvay, and the generic makers of these drugs include Barr Pharmaceuticals, Ranbaxy Labs and Genpharm.

Infants born with PPHN often require mechanical assistance to breath and even worse about 10% to 20% of the infants do not survive even when they receive treatment. The PPHN babies that do survive often experience developmental delays, brain abnormalities and hearing loss, experts say.

Other birth defects that have been associated with SSRIs include Anencephaly, a neural tube defect where much of the brain does not develop; Craniosynostosis, an abnormality in which connections of the skull bones close prematurely; and Heart birth defects including septal defects and ventricular defects.

SSRIs have not only been associated to birth defects, but have been associated with increased risk of suicide.  For more information on SSRI birth defect lawsuit information and Paxil birth defect lawsuit information, please see the following webpage: Paxil Birth Defect Lawsuit Lawyer Information

Depakote Birth Defect Lawsuit Information, Valproate Birth Defect Lawsuit Information, Spina Bifida Lawsuit Information & Defective Drug Birth Defect Lawsuit Information by Depakote Birth Defect Lawyer, Texas Birth Defect Lawyer, & Depakote Spina Bifida Lawyer Jason Coomer

Depakote also known as Valproate semisodium (INN), Depakote ER, Depakene, Depacon, Epival, Dépakine Chrono,Valance, and divalproex sodium (USAN) is a drug prescribed to treat seizures, migraine headaches, and some psychiatric disorders.  In the UK, Canada, and U.S., the drugs are used for the treatment of the manic episodes of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, prevention of both manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder, epilepsy, chronic pain associated with neuropathy, and migraine headaches. Off-label use of the drug include treatment of mild depression, the depressive stage of bi-polar disorder, and chronic pain such as migraine headaches.

Depakote has been linked to major birth defects in children of women that were taking this drug.  According to a recent medical scientific study, women taking Depakote had four times the risk of delivering a child with major birth defects, compared to women taking other, similar drugs.  The range of birth defects associated with Depakote is broad, however the report specifically cited neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Neural tube defects are birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord; spinal bifida is a defect affecting the spinal cord that causes paralysis of the legs.There is no known cure.

In addition to spina bifida, other birth defects caused by Depakote include cleft palate, cleft lip, heart defects, limb and digital deformities, facial dysmorphism, mental developmental delays, and (difficult) genitourinary maloformations.

For more information on Depakote birth defect lawsuit information, Depakote cleft palate lawsuit information, Depakote cleft lip lawsuit information, Depakote Spina Bifida lawsuit information, Depakote malformation lawsuit information, and Depakote infant heart  problem information, please see the following webpage:  Depakote Birth Defect Lawsuit Information and Depakote Spina Bifida Lawsuit Information

Federal and Texas Birth Defect Lawyers, Drug Birth Defect Lawyer, Infant Heart Birth Defect Lawyer, Spina Bifida Lawyer, and Infant Malformation & Deformity Lawyer

Federal and Texas Birth Defect Lawsuits are some of the most complicated types of cases in the practice of law. As a Texas birth defect and birth injury lawyer that handles birth defect, infant death and stillborn baby claims, Jason S. Coomer works with other Birth Defect Lawyers throughout the United States including Boston Birth Defect Lawyers, Illinois Birth Defect Lawyers, Atlanta Birth Defect Lawyers, Virginia Birth Defect Lawyers, Dallas Birth Defect Lawyers, Houston Birth Defect Lawyers, and other Birth Defect Lawyers.  In working with other birth defect lawyers, we seek compensation from negligent drug companies, medical providers, and other companies that have severely injured or killed infants or mothers through selling and using dangerous products, medications, and drugs that they should have know were dangerous, but hid significant research in order to sell more product to make a profit.

For more information on a birth defect lawsuits, please feel free to visit the following web pages, Depakote Birth Defect Lawsuit Information and Depakote Spina Bifida Lawsuit Information, Paxil Birth Defect Lawsuit Lawyer Information, and Topamax Birth Defect Lawsuit.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Medicare Whistleblower Lawsuit Information & Medicaid Whistleblower Lawsuit Information

Medicaid Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Children's Health Insurance Program CHIP Fraud Lawsuit Information, Medicaid Upcoding Fraud Lawsuit Information, Medicare Fraud Lawsuit Information, and Medicare Whistleblower Lawsuit Information
by Texas  Medicare Whistleblower Lawyer & Medicaid Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer 

The annual cost of health care for the United States is over $2,500,000,000,000.00 (2.5 Trillion Dollars) and rising.  Health care costs are over $8,000 per person and about 18% of the GDP.  It is estimated about 10% of these costs are the result of health care fraud.  The "for profit" medical system has created economic incentives for large drug companies, hospitals, health systems, hospice providers, pharmacies, medical device providers, and other health care providers to commit health care fraud to expand their profits at the expense of the medical system and taxpayers.  Locating these fraudulent health care providers and blowing the whistle on health care fraud is needed now more than ever as Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, the VA, Tricare, and other government health benefit programs are being stretched more than ever.

It is vitally important that health care professions with specialized knowledge of Medicaid Fraud, CHIP Fraud, Medicare Fraud, and other health care fraud continue to file Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Medicare Fraud Upcoding Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Medicare Medicaid Fraud Hospital Whistleblower Lawsuits, Hospice Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, and Medicare Medicaid Fraud Nursing Home Whistleblower Lawsuits .

Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers, and the Increase in Medicare and Medicaid Spending

Medicaid is a public health care problem in the United States that provides health care, dental care, and orthodontic care for eligible individuals and families with low incomes and resources. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income in the United States. The cost of the Medicaid program has been increasing and is expected to continue to increase because the fastest growing aspect of Medicaid is nursing home coverage.  As such, with this increase in Medicaid spending on nursing home care, hospice, and home health care, there will be a large increase in for profit nursing homes, hospice services, senior services, and elder care services that prey on the elderly and commit Medicaid and Medicare fraud.  For more information on Medicare Nursing Home Fraud, Medicaid Nursing Home Fraud, and Hospice Fraud, please go to the following web pages,  Nursing Home, Elder Care, & Skilled Nursing Facilities Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits and  Hospital Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits.

Dentist Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Dental Clinic Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Double Billing Medicaid Fraud and Unnecessary Dental Work Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information, and Dental Upcoding Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information

As CHIP, Medicaid, and Medicare spending increases on dental services and orthodontic work, some health care providers including dentists and orthodontists are making false claims for services including billing  Medicaid for services not provided, upcoding services, double billing, and providing unnecessary services.  As such, it is important for Dentists, Orthodontists,  Dentist Office Managers, Orthodontics Office Managers, Medicaid Billing Clerks, Medicaid Coders, and other Dental Professionals to become Medicaid whistleblowers to seek compensation on the government's behalf from companies and people that have defrauded taxpayers out of government money.  For more information on Qui Tam Dental Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, please feel free to go to the following webpage, Dentist Medicare Fraud Lawsuit,  Dentist Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit, CHIP Fraud Lawsuit, and Orthodontic Medicaid Fraud lawsuit Information.

Average Wholesale Price Drug Fraud Lawsuit Information, Drug Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Drug Company False Drug Pricing Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Pharmaceutical Executive Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Medicaid False Drug Price Lawsuit Information, and Medicare False Drug Pricing Lawsuit Information

Pharmaceutical Companies and Drug Companies that engage in schemes to report false and inflated prices for pharmaceutical products, knowing that federal healthcare programs rely on those reported prices to set payment rates are committing Drug Price Fraud and can be held liable for these illegal actions.  The difference between the resulting inflated government payments and the actual price paid by healthcare providers for a drug is referred to as the “spread.” The larger the spread on a drug, the larger the profit for the health care provider or pharmacist who is reimbursed by the government. 

In addition, to the profits made by drug companies that are committing Average Wholesale Price Fraud, many hospitals, health care networks, and pharmacies are making large profits by committing drug price fraud, accepting illegal kickbacks, committing medicare fraud, and committing medicaid fraud.  For more information on Average Wholesale Price Fraud Whistleblower Actions, please feel free to go to the following webpage, Inflated Average Wholesale Price Whistleblower & Drug Price Fraud Lawsuit

Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Children's Health Insurance Program CHIP Fraud Lawsuit Information, CHIP Upcoding Fraud Lawyer, Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer, Medicaid Double Billing Fraud Lawyer, and Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information  

CHIP Fraud Whistleblowers, Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers, and Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers are stepping up now as they are needed more than ever to blow the whistle on fraudulent health care providers  that are increasing their profits by committing fraud against government benefits programs including the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid, and Medicare.  Through the CHIP program, Medicaid program, Medicare program, and other government health care programs.  It is vitally important that health care providers including hospital whistleblowers, nursing home whistleblowers, home health care company whistleblowers, therapist whistleblowers, medical doctor whistleblowers, dentist whistleblowers, and executive whistleblowers from large health care companies blow the whistle on health care fraud that threatens the medical system in the United States and costs taxpayers hundreds of Billions of Dollars.

For more information on becoming a Medicare Whistleblower, Medicaid Whistleblower, CHIP Fraud Whistleblower, or other health care whistleblower, please go to the following webpages, Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information and Medicare Compliance, Coding, and Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawsuit Information.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Going to see a Trial Lawyer

Austin Condominium Owner Lawsuit Information, Austin Condominium Association Lawsuit Information, Austin Homeowner Association Lawsuit Information, and Austin Texas Real Estate Lawsuit Information

Austin Condominium Owner Lawsuit Information, Austin Condominium Association Lawsuit Information, Austin Homeowner Association Lawsuit Information, Austin Homeowner Lawsuit Information, and Austin Texas Real Estate Lawsuit Information by Austin Condominium Owner Lawyer & Austin Condominium Association Lawyer

Understanding the rights of condominium association owners under Condominium Association Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules as well as Texas Uniform Condominium Association (TUCA) can be a difficult task that requires an experienced Texas real estate lawyer.  Often condominium owners, groups of condominium owners, and condominium associations require legal assistance to help them make sure that their real estate investment retains its value, remain livable, and are in compliance with condominium association rules, bylaws, and laws. 

When dealing with condominium associate rules, bylaws, declarations, and other governing documents, it can often be extremely helpful to consult an Austin Condominium Lawyer that can help interpret how Texas law and the condominium association's governing documents work together and what rights an condominium owner has and what fiduciary duties condominium associate boards, directors, and officers may have.

Austin Condominium Owner Lawyer, Austin Condominium Association Lawyer, Austin Homeowner Association Lawyer, Austin Homeowner Lawyer, and Austin Texas Real Estate Lawyer 

Austin Condominium Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, works with Austin condominium owners to help them understand Texas law and protect their investment.  For more information on Austin Condominium Owner  Lawsuit Information and Austin Condominium Association Lawsuit Information, please go to the following web page on Austin Condominium Lawsuits & Condominium Association Lawsuits.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Austin Texas Will, Probate, & Estate Lawsuit Information by Austin Inheritance, Estate, & Will Probate Lawyer

Austin Will Lawsuit Information, Austin Intestate Lawsuit Information, Travis County Probate Lawsuit Information, Austin Will Probate Lawsuit Information, Austin Uncontested Will Lawsuit Information, Austin Estate Probate Information, and Central Texas Estate Lawsuit Information
by Austin Texas Will, Probate, Estate & Inheritance Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

Following the death of a loved one, it can often be difficult to grieve the loss of your loved one and determine what probate matters need to be handled and how they should be handled.  The first step is to determine if your loved one had a valid Will.  If so, the Will should probably be taken to a probate lawyer to determine if there is a need for the Will to be filed for probate.  If there is no Will, it is important to determine if there are assets including real property, life insurance, stocks, bank accounts, or retirement funds that need to be transferred and how best to transfer the property. 

The Travis County Probate Court has information on a variety of probate issuesThe Travis County Probate Court is a statutory probate court headed by an elected judge, the Honorable Guy Herman. The probate court is also served by Associate Judge Dan Prashner.   Though it is not required that individuals hire a probate lawyer to represent them when filing a will probate, heirship proceeding, or other probate matter, it is strongly recommended that anyone filing suit in the Travis County Probate Court, Williamson County Court, Hays County Court, Blanco County Court, Bastrop County Court, Llano County Court, or Bexar County Court be represented by an experienced probate attorney.

Austin Texas Will Probate Lawyer and Estate Lawyer Jason Coomer represents heirs, family members, and beneficiaries that need assistance handling probate matters caused by the death of a loved one in Central Texas.  He represents families that need probate legal services in Travis County Probate Court, Williamson County Court, Hays County Court, Blanco County Court, Bastrop County Court, Comal County Court, Llano County Court, and Bexar County Probate Courts.    For more information on probate matters and estate matters, feel free to go to the following web page Austin Probate Lawyer and feel free to follow the links on the web page to other estate, inheritance, and probate topics.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Texas Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit and CHIP Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information

Texas Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicaid Billing Fraud Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicaid Upcoding Fraud Lawsuit Information, and Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information (Texas Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer)

Medicare and Medicaid billing fraud is costing the United States an estimated one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000.00) each year.  To combat Medicaid Billing Fraud, the United States government has amended and Texas has enacted False Claims Act Laws to encourage more Medicaid Fraud whistleblowers to step up and blow the whistle on Medicaid Fraud Scams.  Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblowers and Medicaid Payment Fraud Whistleblowers that are the original source of specialized knowledge of Medicaid Fraud can make substantial recoveries if they are the first to file a successful qui tam claim under the False Claims Acts.

A Successful Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, or other Government Health Care Benefit Program Fraud  Whistleblower Lawsuit Requires That the Whistleblower have Original Source Information of the Fraudulent Billing Scheme and be the First to File

Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblowers and Medicare Fraudulent Billing Whistleblowers that provide original source information of schemes to fraudulently bill for medical services or medical products and fraudulently take Medicare payments from our United States government including upcoding, double billing, bill padding, unbundling, and charging for services never provided may recover a portion of the proceeds recovered on the government's behalf.  Since 1986, relators have recovered over $1 billion for helping expose fraud against the United States government.    

To be a Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower or a Medicare Fraud Whistleblower, you need to have evidence of original source information of Medicare fraud.  Medical professionals, accountants, benefit coordinators, coding specialists, financial officers, hospital administrators, nurses, medical doctors, and health care administrators often become aware of Medicare Billing Fraud and Medicare Payment Fraud including upcoding, double billing, bill padding, unbundling, and charging for services never provided.

It is also essential to not delay in coming forward with a False Claim Act Qui Tam Action as the first whistleblower to file is eligible to be a relator and make a large recovery for exposing the fraud.  If the fraud is already public knowledge or someone else is the first to file on the fraudulent billing scheme, the whistleblower can be prevented for receiving any recovery.

Even worse, when the fraudulent scheme is exposed, the people that kept the fraud secret can sometimes be found liable for criminal activity for not exposing the fraud that was being committed and further be held liable for continuing criminal activity.  It is important to blow the whistle on known fraud and not get caught as one of the accomplices.  As the Department of Justice expands Medicare Billing Fraud Crackdowns, it becomes more important for those that are aware of Medicare Billing Fraud and Medicaid Fraud Schemes to come forward before the Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Rings are exposed and Health Care Executives start blaming each other and turning on each other to reduce their own potential criminal liability.

  Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers, Texas Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers,
Medicare Fraud Lawyers, Upcoding Fraud Lawyers, Medicaid and CHIP Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers, Double Billing Medicaid Fraud Lawyers, and Other Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Qui Tam Whistleblower Lawyers 

Through Federal False Claims Act Whistleblower Lawsuits, Qui Tam Lawsuits, and other Government Fraud Lawsuits, hundreds of billions of dollars have been recovered from fraudulent government contractors that have stolen large amounts of money from the government and taxpayers.  Included in the heroes that have helped recover large amounts of money for taxpayers are Whistleblowers and Whistleblower lawyers that have helped the government recover large amounts of money and have been rewarded with large cash rewards. 

Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers, Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers, Tricare Fraud Whistleblowers, CHIP Fraud Whistleblowers, and other government health care program fraud whistleblowers should be aware of laws that encourage reporting of government health care program fraud as well as whistleblower protections that may help them.  The following links provide information on different types of government health care program fraud whistleblower lawsuits, Medicaid and Medicare Fraud Illegal Kickback Lawsuit Information, Medicare Compliance, Coding, and Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Dentist Medicaid Fraud and Orthodontist Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information, and Texas Medicaid Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drug Price Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information and Inflated Drug Average Wholesale Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information

Drug Price Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information, Inflated Average Wholesale Price Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit Information, Medicaid Fraudulent Drug Price Lawsuit Information, Drug Price Kickback Lawsuit Information, Pharmaceutical False Price Lawsuit, and Medicaid Drug Price Fraud Lawsuit Information by Texas Inflated Average Wholesale Price and Medicaid Drug Price Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer 

On February 1, 2011, a Travis County, Texas jury found that a global pharmaceutical manufacturer had misrepresented drug prices to the state's Medicaid program and said the drug company should pay the state and federal government $170.3 million.  These Drug Price Medicaid Fraud Lawsuits are becoming more common as evidence is coming to light that the $700 Billion a year drug industry includes some large drug companies that are defrauding Medicaid, Medicare, the VA, Tricare, and other governmental benefit programs out of vasts amounts of money.

Several governmental officials have made it clear that those who defraud the Medicaid program, Medicare, the VA, Tricare, CHIP and other government benefit programs will be held accountable for their actions.  Recent changes in the False Claims Act and other Qui Tam laws have created stronger protections and economic incentives for whistleblowers with knowledge of drug price fraud and other forms of Medicare Fraud and Medicaid Fraud.  As such, it is important for drug price fraud whistleblowers, pharmaceutical representative whistleblowers, medical device sales representative whistleblowers, drug marketing representative whistleblowers, and other drug executive whistleblowers to blow the whistle on drug fraud pricing schemes.

Pharmaceutical Company Drug Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Drug Company False Drug Pricing Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Pharmaceutical Executive Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Medicaid False Drug Price Lawsuit Information, and Medicare False Drug Pricing Lawsuit Information

Pharmaceutical Companies and Drug Companies that engage in schemes to report false and inflated prices for pharmaceutical products, knowing that federal healthcare programs rely on those reported prices to set payment rates are committing Drug Price Fraud and can be held liable for these illegal actions.  The difference between the resulting inflated government payments and the actual price paid by healthcare providers for a drug is referred to as the “spread.” The larger the spread on a drug, the larger the profit for the drug company, health care provider or pharmacist who is reimbursed by the government.  For this reason there is an economic incentive for drug companies to artificially inflate the spread or price as much as possible in order to make higher profits at the expense of taxpayers.

Pharmaceutical Executives that commit drug pricing fraud, cooperate with other drug executives that are committing drug price fraud, or fail to report fraudulent drug price schemes can be held liable for criminal and civil prosecution.  In fact, several pharmaceutical executives have been convicted of drug price fraud and have been sent to prison.  Further, the government is cracking done on drug price fraud schemes and is actively encouraging drug price fraud whistleblowers to step forward to report fraudulent drug pricing schemes that are costing government health care programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, and the Veteran's Administration millions of dollars.  Pharmaceutical Sales Executives, Pharmacists, Drug Representatives, and other health care professionals that properly blow the whistle on fraudulent drug pricing schemes can receive a significant recovery on money recovered by being the first to file on Drug Price Medicare fraud, Drug Price Medicaid fraud, Drug Price Tricare fraud, and/or Drug Price VA.

Drug Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Inflated Average Wholesale Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Medicare Fraudulent Drug Price Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Drug Price Kickback Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Pharmaceutical False Price Information Whistleblower Lawsuit, and Drug Representative Whistleblower Lawsuit Information 

Pharmaceutical executives and representatives who are the original source of specialized knowledge of drug pricing fraud can recover large economic rewards for properly reporting fraudulent drug pricing schemes.  A successful false claims act qui tam claim can not only result in a significant recovery for the drug representative whistleblower, pharmaceutical executive whistleblower, or pharmaceutical accounting whistleblower, but can result in uncovering Medicare price fraud, Medicaid price fraud, Tricare price fraud, and/or VA price fraud that could result in millions or billions of dollars being recovered or saved by taxpayers.

There are several keys to a successful Drug Price Fraud False Claims Act Qui Tam Whistleblower Lawsuit including 1) obtaining original and specialized information of the fraud, 2) being the first to file regarding the specific fraud, and 3) protecting the whistleblower for retaliation.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Passenger Van Rollover Lawsuits (Church, School & Tourist Vans) and NHTSA Passenger Van Safety Warnings

15-Passenger Van Rollover Crash Lawsuit Information, Defective Passenger Van Accident Lawsuit Information, Deadly Van Rollover Crash Lawsuit Informant, Defective Fifteen Passenger Van Lawsuit Information, Fatal Passenger Van Accident Lawsuit Information, and Fatal Van Rollover Lawsuit Information by Texas Deadly Van Rollover Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

Fatal passenger van rollover crashes have put the safety of 15-passenger vans in the news and have caused the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to issue new safety warnings to churches, charter companies, schools, tourist companies, and other users of passenger vans.  These deadly passenger van accidents include a recent New York fatal church van accident and a recent Georgia fatal church van accident.  The deadly van accidents involved 15-passenger vans that rolled over and resulted in 10 deaths.  Additionally, two fatal passenger van accidents in Canada have led to passenger van lawsuits in Canada and calls for 15-passenger vans to stop being used in schools to transport children.  In the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has urged users of 15-passenger vans to take specific steps to keep occupants safe including not using fifteen passenger vans to transport groups of school children to events on a regular basis.

Defective Van Rollover Crash Lawsuit Information, Defective Van Crash Automobile Lawsuit Information, Deadly Van Rollover Crash Lawsuit Informant, Defective Fifteen Passenger Van Lawsuit Information, Fatal Passenger Van Accident Lawsuit Information, and Fatal Van Rollover Lawsuit Information

Fifteen-passenger vans were originally designed to haul cargo, not human passengers and as such, 15-passenger vans lack basic safety features that are standard in other vehicles.  In fact, studies have show that fifteen-passenger vans are inheritantly unstable and unsafe thus fifteen-passenger vans are more likely to rollover during a crash, tire blow out, or negligent driving  These 15-passenger vans are also three times more likely to flip and roll when they are fully loaded.   Fifteen-passenger vans have been labeled "death traps on wheels" by the Safety Forum, a U.S. consumer watchdog agency. 

Some consider these 15 passenger vans to be rolling death traps and unsuitable for human transport as these vehicles were originally designed as cargo vans and have not been fitted with the standard safety features and emergency-handling characteristics of cars, minivans and school buses.  Federal law prohibits the use of 15 passenger vans for regular school related transport of high school age and younger students.  

Ford is the subject of 15-passenger van lawsuits in Canada arising out of multiple fatal crashes that have taken the lives of several people.  For more information Ford Van Lawsuits, please go to the following web page, Ford Rollover Crash Lawsuits and Defective Vehicle Lawsuits.  Chrysler is also the subject of a deadly 15-passenger van lawsuit in the United States.  For more information on Fatal Passenger Van Rollover Lawsuits, please go to the following web page, Passenger Van Rollover Lawsuits (Church, School & Tourist Vans).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Drug Safety Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information by Drug Calibration Fraud Whistleblower and Drug Quality Assurance Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

Drug Safety Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Adulterated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Contaminated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Drug Quality Assurance Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, and Drug Calibration Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information by Drug Safety Fraud Whistleblower, Contaminated Drug Whistleblower, Adulterated Drug Whistleblower, Drug Calibration Fraud Whistleblower, and Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

Drug Safety Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Drug Calibration Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, and Contaminated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuits are becoming more common as Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Managers, Drug Calibration Specialists, and other Drug Safety Whistleblowers are stepping forward to blow the whistle on adulterated drugs, contaminated drugs, and poorly calibrated drugs that threaten the health and lives of children, women, and men that are taking the drugs. 
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Drug Safety Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Adulterated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuits, Contaminated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuits, and Pharmaceutical Drug Calibration Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits

It is extremely important that pharmaceutical whistleblowers including Drug Quality Assurance Whistleblowers, Drug Calibration Whistleblowers, and other Drug Safety Whistleblowers continue to step forward to blow the whistle on adulterated drugs that threaten the health and safety of the people taking medications.  Because of the serious potential danger to the public including men, women, and children that can be caused by giving contaminated drugs or improperly calibrated drugs, it is vitally important that whistleblowers help make sure that drugs are properly calibrated and not contaminated.  Further, it is clear that the government will not tolerate any lapses in safety standards from pharmaceutical manufacturers. 

Increased enforcement by FDA and the offer of large economic incentives to contaminated adulterated drug whistleblowers will expose pharmaceutical fraud that attempts to hide drug safety and quality violations. As such, it is important for pharmaceutical drug safety whistleblowers to not delay in coming forward with a False Claim Act Qui Tam Action as the first whistleblower to file is eligible to be a relator and may make a large recovery for exposing the drug safety fraud.  Additionally, when the fraudulent scheme is exposed, the people that kept the fraud secret can sometimes be found liable for criminal activity for not exposing the drug safety fraud that was being committed and be held liable for continuing criminal activity.

There are several keys to a successful False Claims Act Qui Tam Whistleblower action including 1) obtaining original and specialized information of the fraud, 2) being the first to file regarding the specific fraud, and 3) protecting the whistleblower for retaliation.  Pharmaceutical whistleblowers including Drug Quality Assurance Whistleblowers, Drug Calibration Whistleblowers, and other Drug Safety Whistleblowers that timely and properly blow the whistle on defective and dangerous drugs, may receive a large amount of money for being the first to properly report fraudulent disregard for safety standards and pharmaceutical policies that hide adulterated drugs.   

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Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Drug Safety Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Adulterated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Contaminated Drug Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, and Pharmaceutical Drug Calibration Whistleblower Qui Tam Lawsuit Information by Drug Quality Whistleblower, Contaminated Drug Whistleblower, Adulterated Drug Whistleblower, and Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Whistleblower Lawyer
Health Care Fraud costs United States Tax Payers approximately $90 billion each year through Medicare, Medicaid, and other government health care programs.  Because the Medicare budget, the Medicaid Budget, the VA Budget, the TRICARE Budget, Medicaid Fraud, and Medicare Fraud are continuing to increase each year, it is vitally important that Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Medicare Fraud Upcoding Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, Medicare Medicaid Fraud Hospital Whistleblower Lawsuits, Hospice Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, CHIP Fraud & Medicaid Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuits, and Medicare Medicaid Fraud Nursing Home Whistleblower Lawsuits continue to step forward and blow the whistle on health care fraud. 

If you are aware of a large health care company, financial institute, drug company, defense contractor, government contractor, or individual that is defrauding the United States Government out of millions or billions of dollars, it is important that you are the first to step forward with evidence of the fraud to report the fraud.  It is also important to understand potential whistleblower protections under the False Claims Act and to discuss with an attorney how to prepare for potential retaliation or aggressive attacks by the employer or contractor.  For more information on this topic please go to the following web page on False Claims Act Lawsuit Whistleblower Protections.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information by Texas Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawyer

Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information, Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Information, Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Information, and Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information by Texas Asbestos Exposure Lawyer, Asbestos Cancer Lawyer, and Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyer Jason S. Coomer

When a family member has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or other asbestos cancer, it is often not realized that the disease was probably caused by asbestos exposure.   Dealing with the health needs of your loved one become a top priority and it is often not realized that the Mesothelioma and other asbestos cancers was probably caused by a work environment, work clothes bringing home asbestos  fibers to family members, or asbestos in a living environment. Families of those that have suffered from Mesothelioma and other Asbestos Cancers often need assistance in locating Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information, Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Information, Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Information, and Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information to determine what needs to be done to seek compensation for the illness or death of their loved ones.  

Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information and Asbestos Cancer Lawsuit Information

Exposure to Asbestos products has been scientifically linked to several forms of asbestos cancer including mesothelioma.  These asbestos cancers all too often result in a painful death for the person that was exposed to asbestos products and asbestos fibers.  Despite knowledge of the dangers of asbestos products, many corporations have sold and used asbestos products as well as many other corporations have failed to use proper asbestos abatement procedures to remove asbestos from buildings.  Far too many businesses have made the decision that making more money through selling, using, or improperly removing asbestos products is more important than the health and lives of workers and there families. 

It is in these instances where the law needs to step in and make businesses that sell dangerous asbestos products, manufacture dangerous asbestos products, or intentionally fail to adhere to proper asbestos abatement procedures.

Asbestos Exposure of Families, Asbestos Fibers at Home, Asbestos Secondary Exposure Lawsuits by Texas Mesothelioma Asbestos Family Exposure Lawyer

Many families in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s were supported by workers that were exposed to high levels of asbestos fibers.  Many of these workers unknowingly brought asbestos fibers and asbestos dust home exposing their wives and families to toxic dust fibers that were inhaled.  These  family exposure lawsuits and secondary exposure lawsuits are becoming more common along the Houston Ship Channel area as well as other industrial areas throughout the United States as more and more wives and widows of asbestos workers  as well as children of asbestos workers are now coming down with mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, and other asbestos diseases.  If you are the spouse or family member of an asbestos worker and are experiencing severe symptoms including the following symptoms, you should be screened for asbestos diseases:

1) Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarseness.
2) A persistent cough that gets worse over time.
3) Blood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up.
4) Pain or tightening in the chest.
5) Difficulty swallowing.
6) Swelling of the neck or face.
7) Loss of appetite.
8) Weight loss.
9) Fatigue or anemia.
10) Fever, night sweat

 Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Information Including Demolition Asbestos Lawsuit Information & Construction Worker Lawsuit Information

Today despite being better regulated over 1 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job.  Many of these exposures occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos products in the renovation or demolition process.  Numerous construction workers are now dismantling many of the buildings and refineries that were built with asbestos products.  These workers are often not given proper respiratory protection and sustain heavy primary exposure from the demolition of buildings that cause asbestos fibers to be knocked into the air.  Many of these construction workers and abatement workers will have mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases in the future. Employees are also likely to be exposed during the manufacture of asbestos products (such as textiles, friction products, insulation, and other building materials) and during automotive brake and clutch repair work.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information and Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit Information

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium.   The mesothelium is a membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. It is composed of two layers of cells: One layer immediately surrounds the organ; the other forms a sac around it. The mesothelium produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs. 

Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also metastasize (spread) from their original site to other parts of the body. Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum. The pleura is the outer lining of the lungs and chest cavity.  Mesothelioma may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart), or the layer surrounding reproductive organs.

Most people who develop mesothelioma have inhaled asbestos particles either through occupational exposure or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways, such as by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos, or by home renovation using asbestos cement products. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between mesothelioma and smoking.

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer, but reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years. Incidence of malignant mesothelioma currently ranges from about 7 to 40 per 1,000,000 in industrialized Western nations, depending on the amount of asbestos products used in the society.  The incidence is expected to continue increase in many parts of the world as asbestos products become more common. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

In the United States between 1939 and 1980, approximately 30 million people were occupationally exposed to asbestos in the United States. Between 1970 and 1990, there was a large increase in the diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma in asbestos workers and their families. Though many asbestos exposure mesothelioma cases have been misdiagnosed as adenocarcinoma of the lung or other diseases, it is clear that the incidence of mesothelioma increases with use of asbestos products.

In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a noncancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma  (Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information)

Symptoms of mesothelioma can appear 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. These symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic cough, coughing up blood, night sweats, and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.  Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.
Mesothelioma can affect several areas of the body and can cause the following symptoms:
  • chest wall pain
  • pleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lung
  • shortness of breath
  • fatigue or anemia
  • wheezing, hoarseness, or cough
  • blood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up
  • abdominal pain
  • ascites, or an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen
  • a mass in the abdomen
  • problems with bowel function
  • weight loss
  • blood clots in the veins, which may cause thrombophlebitis
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation, a disorder causing severe bleeding in many body organs
  • jaundice, or yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • low blood sugar level
  • pleural effusion
  • pulmonary emboli, or blood clots in the arteries of the lungs
  • severe ascites
Shortness of breath and pain in the chest from accumulation of fluid in the pleura are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the mesothelioma cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

Many of the above symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions. It is important to see a doctor about any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.  Please read below for information on the diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma (Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information)

Diagnosing mesothelioma begins with a review of the patient's medical history to determine if the patient has had exposure to asbestos. A physical examination also performed, followed by chest X-ray and often lung function tests. The X-ray is used to determine if there is any pleural thickening that is commonly seen after asbestos exposure.  If there is pleural thickening it increases suspicion of a diagnoses of mesothelioma.

A CAT scan or an MRI and cytology is then done to determine if a large amount of fluid and or abnormal cells are present.  To study the pleural fluid a pleural tap or chest drain is done, in ascites with an paracentesis or ascitic drain and in a pericardial effusion with pericardiocentesis. If cytology is positive or a plaque is regarded as suspicious, a biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma.

The biopsy is performed by a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer).  This surgeon or oncologist removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is located. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lighted tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs. Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a peritoneoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a peritoneoscope into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.
If the diagnosis is mesothelioma, the doctor will want to learn the stage (or extent) of the disease. Staging involves more tests in a careful attempt to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to which parts of the body. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan treatment.

Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if it has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

Mesothelioma Treatment (Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information)

Treatment for mesothelioma vary depending on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient’s age and general health. Some of the more common treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and drainage of fluid.

Surgery is a common treatment for mesothelioma. The doctor may remove abnormal or cancerous tissue and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. 

To relieve symptoms and control pain, the doctor may use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the chest or abdomen. The procedure for removing fluid from the chest is called thoracentesis. Removal of fluid from the abdomen is called paracentesis. Drugs may be given through a tube in the chest to prevent more fluid from accumulating. It is common to use surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and fluid drainage to relieve symptoms and treat mesothelioma.

Texas Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawyer (Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information)

As a Texas Mesothelioma Lawyer, Jason Coomer commonly works with other Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers on cases throughout the United States and believes that it is important that families that have lost loved ones to Mesothelioma should stand up an be heard regarding the dangers of asbestos and asbestos products.   For more information on Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawsuits, please feel free to follow this link Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma Lawsuit Information.